Financial Organizing

money, Financial OrganizingOrganizing Bills, Organizing Medical Claims, Organizing Tax Receipts

  • Do you travel a lot and wish you had someone you could trust to manage your bills and mail in your absence?
  • Do you live out of the area and wish you could find someone to help your aging parents manage their finances?
  • Do you neglect to submit medical claims to your health insurance company in a timely manner, thus “leaving money on the table”? Are you frustrated calling the insurance company to challenge the way a claim was processed?
  • Are you a Senior who is finding that paying bills has become too time-consuming, difficult, or overwhelming? Do you wish you could delegate that task to someone else?
  • Do you give your accountant a paper bag or a box full of receipts each year? Do you wish you could organize your records to streamline tax preparation?
  • Do you have too much month left over at the end of your paycheck?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, we can help you organize your financial records!

Certified Professional Organizer® Deborah Gussoff holds an MBA from New York University’s Stern School of Business. Prior to becoming a Certified Professional Organizer®, Deborah was responsible for managing multi-million dollar consumer products for a Fortune 200 company. She is also a member of the American Association of Daily Money Managers and adheres to their Code of Ethics, as well as to the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals’ Code of Ethics. Privacy and confidentiality are guaranteed so you can feel comfortable and secure.

From paying your bills, to monitoring your expenses, to checking your bank and credit card statements for errors, we can streamline and organize your paperwork. We can also organize your financial documents and guide you through what papers need to be kept (and for how long) and which can be safely shredded.

Vital Documents

  • If you received a middle-of-the-night phone call informing you that a family member had been in an accident, would you be able to quickly access medical records including current medications, allergies, and the living will? What if the injured relative lives in a different state from you – could you still easily access his information?
  • If your home burned down in a fire, would you have access to your insurance information and a summary of everything you own?
  • Can you easily access birth certificates, marriage and divorce records, military discharge papers, and immigration/ naturalization papers?
  • Would it be easy for you to take over the paperwork, document management, and financial records from your parents or adult child if the need arose?

These are not things we like to think about, but if you didn’t answer “yes” to any of the questions above, you need help creating a Vital Document Summary. This is essentially a comprehensive summary of what you own (assets), what you owe (liabilities), legal documents, key contacts, and how to reach them – should something happen to you and someone needs to take over. We have licensed software to help you keep track of this key information – either in a paper binder or in the Cloud. Certified Professional Organizer© Deborah Gussoff is also a Certified Personal Document Specialist and has taken extensive coursework on how to help you corral and store all of these vital documents.

Contact us today if you need help organizing your medical claims, financial records, or other vital documents.

A Testimonial From A Satisfied Client

“Deborah Gussoff saved our anniversary trip.”

“The last time we traveled out of town — an overseas business trip followed by our first cruise – we turned off our cell phones, and computers and pushed home maintenance to the back burner. Did I really want to be thinking about taxes and the mortgage while sailing on the Adriatic Sea?

“Intelligent, calm, kind, and secure, Deborah took over paperwork responsibilities while we were away. She paid the bills, managed the insurance, and organized our paperwork into files we could review upon returning from close to a month away from home. She’s a troubleshooter who has the memory of an elephant and most importantly our complete trust.

“Not only did she manage the bills. She ensured that our health insurance forms were filed regularly, clearly, and accurately for the multitude of medical issues in our family. In fact, Deborah is an expert in health insurance issues. She entered my life more than five years ago when I was drowning in bills related to a serious illness and a child’s medical problems. It’s hard enough to take care of yourself when you’re trying to recover from surgery, let alone focus on the numerous medical providers whose bills show up at your door in obscure and often indecipherable ways.

“Thanks to her help, we recovered more than $10,000 owed to us in insurance. Armed with her sturdy packs of labels, staples, and tools I’ve never seen in Staples, she sorts it all out and logically figures out how to solve the problems at hand.

“She recently flagged an auto insurance problem that had begun to adversely impact one of our family member’s credit rating. The auto insurance had not paid a $3,000 bill for hospitalization because, it turns out, the insurance company had not yet gotten a tax ID number for the out-of-state hospital.

“All I can say is good job, Deborah. And thank you!”

–Diane M., Montclair, NJ

Want to learn more? Fill out our contact form here.